Friday, February 1, 2013

This Week In Black History

BLACK HISTORY MONTH IS HERE!! So we at AASAS are here to present you with "This Week in Black History". Every week for the month of February, we will post some of the biggest events that happened in black history for each week. Although we obviously cannot post all the events (there were so many), we will  be sure to include some of the most important past events that will be sure to honor our black history :)! 

This Week In Black History 
January 27th - February 2nd 

Sunday, January 27th 

Leontyne Price (a world renown opera singer) makes her debut at the Metropolitan Opera House 

Monday, January 28th

The death of Zora Neale Hurston, famous Harlem renaissance writer for African American folklore and fiction   and an anthropologist. One of her most noticeable works Their Eyes Were Watching God made Time magazine's 100 Best English-Language Novels Published since 1923 list. 

Tuesday, January 29th 

Oprah Gail Winfrey is born. She is ranked the richest African American woman in the 20th century. Winfrey is the former host of the Oprah Winfrey Show, an extremely successful talk show, and is currently the CEO of Harpo Productions and The Oprah Winfrey Network. 

Wednesday, January 30th 

William Wells Brown publishes The Escape; or, A Leap For Freedom  and scholars agree he is the first published African American playwright. Brown, born a slave escaped to the North and began his writing career. He's novel Clotel is believed to be the first novel written by an African American. 

Thursday, January 31st
Thirteenth Constitutional Amendment is passed by Congress which outlaws slavery

Friday, February 1st
Jefferson Franklin Long becomes the first Black person to speak in the House of Representatives as a Congressman

Saturday, February 2nd
Eric Holder becomes the first black person to be confirmed as the United States Attorney General 

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