Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Finals Studying Tips!!!

Well...it's that time again (maybe the first time for some of you)......finals :( . We all know that studying for finals can be one of the most stressful experiences of the semester. There is no escaping them, but there are ways to make the weeks leading up to finals less painful! It's time to focus, and with three more weeks until finals week begins, it's time to start some proactive study habits that will help you get through finals successfully and slide into winter break! Here are some tips that we've scrounged up to help you get through finals week :)

Study At Least A Month In Advance

Luckily you still have about 3 weeks until the finals week panic sets in. But don't use these weeks to chill! Studying early not only prevents late night cramming the night before your exam, but it also helps you retain information because the information is still fresh in your mind. Start by creating a study plan for yourself and stick to it!

Learn How You Study

We have said it before BUT we will say it again!!! Before you even begin studying it is important to realize your individual way of studying. This will help keep you on track when studying and help you avoid any wasted studying time. Studying habits that work the best for you may be unique...but hey whatever helps you memorize those 500 words for English right?

Clarify the Content of Your Exams

Find out what your exam format will be: multiple choice, essay, short answer, etc. This will allow you to figure out exactly how to study. This may require going in to speak with your professor about the tests format  (and any other questions about the exam). They should be happy to answer your questions.

Take Snack Breaks 

Please don't believe you can study for 8 hours straight with no study breaks. Your brain needs the energy and rest to retain the information and stay awake ( you've heard this before right??), so take breaks while studying. If you don't want to break your study flow, at least take 5 minute breaks every hour to snack or walk. It helps!

Know When To Stop Studying 

This is possibly one of the most important pieces of advice! Teen Vogue.com says that between 12 to 24 hours before your exam is best to stop studying. Now we know it's tempting to study up until the exam is handed to you, but if you find yourself repeating the same material over and over, it may be time to stop because your brain is not retaining the material.

Get a Good Night's Rest
You've heard this before. You know the deal!

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