Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Communicating With Your Professor!

We all know that we were told to communicate with our professor wayyyyy at the beginning of the year. Some of us followed that advice...and some of us didn't. For those who didn't contact their professors there is still hope! Make the best of out of the last couple of months in the semester with these few tips!

1. Introducing Yourself Is Key! 

If your first exam didn't go so well you might want to start contacting your professor for advice on how to study. In order to do that you have to go in and INTRODUCE YOURSELF! If you don't wish to just walk into his office hours and say your name do it before or after class. Trust me, it will help them remember you when you go to office hours later and ask for help.

2. Make a Good Impression 

Showing up to an appointment late or ill-prepared is not a good way to begin a good relationship with your professor. Show up on time with materials and questions prepared so your professor will know you are a caring student. Also, although TA's might allow you to use casual language and titles around them, your professor might not be so hip. Using casual language and titles might be a sign of disrespect to them. Use respect and appropriate language when addressing your professor.

3. Ask the Right Questions

When you begin to go to office hours.. come PREPARED!!! Coming into office hours with no questions or purpose is a waste of time and it makes you look BAD. Coming to office hours with prepared and knowledgeable questions makes you look GOOD.... pretty simple!

Remember, while its always better to get an early start with your professor it's never too late!! Make that connection NOW! It can only help you :)

Friday, October 26, 2012

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Midterms Got You Down???

Quick Reminder!!! Fall 2012 Drop Deadline is November 2nd!! 

Ugh MIDTERMS?! They require alot of late night studying, irritating study guides, and of course stress! Possibly the worst thing about midterms are the grades. If you have done well on your midterms.. CONGRATULATIONS!! However, there are defiantly some of us that did....hmm not so well on midterms.

But that's okay! There are ways to bounce back from the midterm blues and finish out the semester in the most positive and efficient way possible!

Tip 1: Re-evaluate Your Study Habits
Yes that test was hard, but are your study skills lacking? Evaluate how you are taking notes and if your note taking is complimenting your study skills. Remember  we all don't study alike. Figure out if you are studying to the best of your ability. Think, do you learn better alone or in a group? Do flashcards help you? If all else fails, ask your professor if he or she has any study tips for their specific class!

Tip 2: Create a Better Schedule
Were you actually spending your time wisely during midterms? Half the stress of  midterms is balancing studying with your other school work. Creating a schedule that gets you through the day-to -day basis, pushes you to focus on one aspect of your life at a time, allowing for more things to get done. More things done means more studying time right?

Tip 3: Use Your Resources
We have all been told to use resources before, and that tip probably goes in one ear and out the other. BUT if you realize that a certain class is really kicking your butt more than you thought it was, it may be time to consider getting in touch with campus resources. Tutoring, academic mentoring, and even group tutoring could be the first step to reaching out and being proactive in your education!

Tip 4: Communicate! Communicate! Communicate!
Believe it or not, sometimes professors can be way more understanding then they seem. If you communicate to a professor you need help or display a genuine effort and interest in the class, odds are they will offer some way to help. Whether it be office hours, personal suggestions or even the coveted extension on an assignment  communication to a professor can usually be  beneficial in some way!

Tip 5: Have Some "You" Time

If you haven't realized constant stress and studying can really put a damper on your wellness and health. Finishing out the semester positively may require you to step back and BREATHE. Prepare yourself mentally for the rest of the year. Take time out to make yourself feel good and do things that YOU want to do. This will put your mind on the right track and help give you a boost to finish out the rest of the year!

Thursday, October 18, 2012


Hi my name is Karla Foster and I’m the NEW Coordinator for African American Student Academic Services here at UW-Madison but of course you already knew that. I’m excited to do this blog entry so I can tell you a little bit about myself. Me and
Vanessa (my FABULOUS student worker) were sitting in the office today and decided it was time for another entry. So I suggested that we timed ourselves for 10 minutes and whatever we wrote would be posted to the entry… 
So far it’s been 2 minutes and counting…

About Me:

I am originally from Gary, IN but I’ve also lived in San Diego, CA, Kenosha, WI, and various cities in Indiana. I attended Indiana University Bloomington (Go Hoosiers!!) for my undergraduate career where I majored in General Studies with a concentration in Arts & Humanities with a minor in African American and African Diaspora Studies. For my Master’s work I attended Indiana State University (Go Trees!!). So during undergrad I participated in the Black Student Union, Student Government, and was very active in my sorority (Z-Phi!). As a graduate student I served as an Academic Advisor for Education majors and interned in the office of Admissions, Housing, and the African American Cultural Center while advising two student organizations (African American Student Educators & #teamSPEAK). Something else about me is that I absolutely love music, it speaks volumes (Get it?? LOL). Right now my husband (who doesn’t know I exist) is Kanye West (I still like Taylor Swift) and don’t worry this whole thing with him and Kim K. will soon blow over. Anywho, I’m super excited to be here in Madison with all new students. I hope that I will be a beneficial resource and help you learn, grow, and navigate this university system to graduate from UW-Madison (Go Badgers!!). I want to make thislarge campus smaller to our community and hope to bring a since of camaraderie and Wisconsin pride to students of color on campus. I have an open door policy so feel free to stop by my office anytime. On Wisconsin! Check out our website  
 http://www.lssaa.wisc.edu/aasas/ and stay tuned for more blogs from AASAS!!

Hey my name is Vanessa Benton and I am a current UW student coming from Milwaukee, WI.
 I am a current sophomore and am hoping to major in Communication Arts and Journalism (aka I will probably end up a 5th year seniorL). Currently, I am a member of the UW Madison radio station 91.7 WSUM (Tune IN: Talk that Talk 1am on Tuesdays!), the African Students Association Dance team, Hollywood Badgers, and FadeIn Screenwriters organization. I work with the CAE AAP program as a peer mentor and OBVIOUSLY I also work as a Student Outreach Assistant in the CAE African American Student Academic Services office. My favorite thing to do here is working as a production assistant for different companies here is Madison and Chicago- WHICH I DON’T GET PAID FOR.

I have a strong passion for humanitarian work and learning how to create a system that takes care of ALL and provides the youth and poor of impoverished cities an opportunity to get out and not keep them down!  My ultimate goal is to create a venue big enough to expose the world to disparities that are right in their backyard because I think a lot people don’t realize how close poverty is! Lowkey, I want to be Oprah! Hopefully I can skip grad school because I am trying to make this happen NOW (plus my mom says she needs me to hurry up and get rich).  I hope to one day fight against the superficial and self-centered image that we are given by Hollywood and big media corporations, and use the media to be a system of spreading knowledge.  (BAM!)

Speaking of media, social that is, follow us on Twitter @UW-AASSAS and come back to our blog!  

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Hello From AASAS!

The African American Student Academic Services is dedicated to serving the African and African American community here at the University of Wisconsin- Madison.  We provide support services to undergraduate and graduate students. Need help applying to your major? Need help DECLARING your major? Need help applying to grad school? Student Orgs, need help revamping, recruiting, or refocusing?  We are here for YOU!! Contact our program coordinator, Karla Foster or our student outreach assistant, Vanessa Benton.

Contact Information:
Karla Foster: kfoster4@wiscmail.edu
Vanessa Benton: vbenton@wisc.edu
Hours:  9:00am - 4:00pm Monday - Friday
Contact Information: (262)- 262- 2683